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Job Interview Help

Do you have a job interview and don't know what to do? Learn how to prepare, how to act, and how to avoid common problems in your attempt to get hired for the position you desire.

Job Interview Help

job interview help Going for a job interview is a difficult and often nerve-racking process. When people hear the word interview, they cringe and worry about what they are going to say or how they are supposed to dress.

The secret is, assuming you are qualified for the job, with a bit of research and instruction, you can walk into an interview feeling completely prepared. Then you can leave the room having impressed the hiring manager. Of course, the goal is to get hired, so anything you can do to advance that goal would be a benefit.

Job Interview Help Tutorial

Practice Makes Perfect
It never hurts to prepare for something as life-altering as an interview. There are a few things that should be completed prior to "showtime." The cliché that "practice makes perfect" is completely valid in relation to a job interview. Have your friends help you prepare by hosting mock interviews to get a feel for the types of questions the employer may present to you in an interview.

In addition to practicing how you are going to act during this time, you should research the company with which you will be dealing. Check their social media resources to see what they are doing; current events and significant milestones are incredibly relevant topics to bring up to an interviewer. They are the kinds of things that will make you stand out and appear invested in the company's affairs.

Dress for Success
Dress appropriately for the position for which you are applying. No one is going to take you seriously if you show up looking unprofessional; this appearance will only suggest that you are unfit for the position. Wear the appropriate attire, and you will have a better chance of making a great impression!

Why Things Go Wrong
Some common mistakes are made during interviews, even if a well qualified candidate committed any of these errors they could still be rejected.

Common Mistakes to Avoid
  • A Sloppy appearance or inappropriate dress: As discussed previously, no benefit will come to you if you do not adhere to the proper dress code.
  • Lack of enthusiasm: This can be a deal breaker during an interview. If the recruiter does not believe that you have a vested interest in the company and passion for the field, they will have to select someone more suited.
  • Tardiness: Never be late to any business related event. This is incredibly rude and tarnishes your image. This process should be viewed as a way to make a good impression on someone, lateness carries a bad connotation.
  • Incomplete or "Shady" Resume: Never lie on a resume, and make sure that you have taken the time to fully update and optimize the most current version using keywords and action verbs. After you apply these job interview help tips, view this page for more information about how to write a resume.
How to Act
Even though interviews can be nerve-racking, try your best to stay calm and relaxed.
  • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Articulation is key to a successful interview as most people base others' intelligence and education on how well they can present themselves through speech.
  • Make frequent eye contact. You need to demonstrate that you are confident and can conduct a professional conversation in an assured manner.
  • Be polite and positive. No one wants to deal with a rude or negative person; people gravitate toward positive energy and are more willing to hire a zealous candidate.
  • Come prepared to answer questions about both the company as well as yourself and how you can benefit the company.
End the Interview Like a Pro
After the meeting has concluded, don't leave on an awkward note! Know exactly how to conclude your discussion and impress your potential future employer.
  • Thank the hiring manager with a firm handshake immediately after the meeting.
  • Ask them for one of their business cards, so that you have their contact information in case you need to contact them.
  • Within a day, send a thank you letter directly to the representative who took their time to help you through this progression. This gesture will follow proper business etiquette and demonstrate your appreciation.
After reviewing every step and pitfall in this ongoing routine, you will begin to recognize that this is not as difficult as you may have first thought. Be sure to arrive prepared and armed with this knowledge to help you move forward in your search for the perfect job. Do you need more job interview help, assistance completing an application or aid in writing your thank you letter? You can create a thank you letter for free by clicking the button below.
job interview help